Ora et labora
Ora et labora Spoken Prayers
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -3:27


A prayer for when there are no prayers left.

What to do when prayers just don’t come to you?

when my ears cant hear the murmur of the ocean
only a murmur in my heart as it squeezes on itself to pump life in a world
where the drill of drones has become ear wax
and the act of cleaning up shattered glass is just part of our day’s work
what happens when you cannot hear
and you have chosen not to see?

to hold your heart tenderly
to limit the information in your field
to focus on the abundance of your yield

Yes , Yes I cannot hear the prayer that used to come for me
but now that I don’t, and now that I have told
now I see the people I have prayed for
they are the ones that visit me

The interior spread in my mind’s head
is sparsely furnished now
but its just what I need

Taking trips in the black holes of my imagination
dropping off the grid
drawing features and futures on multiple axis
they have all taken a back seat

When you see so much death
When you hear so much wailing
When your feet can’t recognize the home or the street
your heart stops breaking.

not many know that heart isn’t just chambers, connections, and a beat
the heart is shaped like a thick band that has coiled on to an orb of light an the center of a human feat

you can unravel a heart
almost like a slinky

It is a flexible stretch of human flesh
that happens to hold our love
our essence

Our light

so what happens?

I can’t explain it so much
probably because the MK has just took over my ears
because I cant hear how life wants to say it to me

a heart gets tangled
a heart can squeeze too hard
a heart can unravel
it can be a seat belt
it can also be the noose

Arteries can clog and that is called a heart attack
but when the muscle weaken, that, that is what they call “heart break syndrome”

The good news? it is “only temporary weakened.”

flush out the fat.
pick out the wax.
But how can you strengthen a muscle?


and now I know
that while I cannot hear prayers right now
the people showing up in my life
In the the center and periphery
they are my practice
the trainers my heart’s muscle needs

There will always be at least one, and some lucky times, there will be three


Amen Amma

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